X-Men: Manifest Destiny

By Jason Aaron, James Asmus, Mike Carey, Frank Tieri, Steven Segovia, Jorge Molina, Ardian Syaf, Michael Ryan, Chris Burnham, Takeshi Miyazawa, Ben Oliver & various (Marvel)
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3951-5

Most people who read comics have a passing familiarity with Marvel’s fluidly fluctuating X-Men franchise and even newcomers or occasional consumers won’t have too much trouble following this particular jumping-on tome, so let’s just plunge in as our hostile world once more kicks sand in the faces of the planet’s most dangerous and reviled minority…

At this particularly juncture, the evolutionary offshoot portentously dubbed Homo Superior is at its lowest ebb. This follows the catastrophic House of M and Decimation storylines, wherein former Avenger Wanda Maximoff AKA the Scarlet Witch – ravaged by madness and her own chaos-fuelled reality-warping power – reduced the world’s entire mutant population to a couple of hundred individuals.

Most of these genetic outsiders have accepted a generous and earnest offer to establish an enclave on an island dubbed “Utopia” in San Francisco Bay, and this utterly engrossing tome re-presents Wolverine: Manifest Destiny #1-4, X-Men Manifest Destiny: Nightcrawler plus the lead strip and selected short stories from the anthology X-Men Manifest Destiny #1-5 and covers the period October 2008 – April 2009: one of a number of collections cataloguing various mutant heroes’ and villains’ responses to the offer.

This account of some who answered the call to “Go West, Young Mutant” opens with the 4-issue miniseries Wolverine: Manifest Destiny (by scripter Jason Aaron and artists Stephen Segovia, Paco Diaz Luque & Noah Salonga) wherein the long-lived wanderer known as Logan is plagued by some freshly-returned memories as he wanders the streets of Chinatown, painfully aware that, at least in this part of San Francisco, he is not welcome…

The bestial, nigh-indestructible mutant was born at the end of the 19th century, but over the decades his mind and memories have been constantly tampered with by friends and foes alike. Recently. however, a steady procession of revelatory disclosures regarding his extended, over-brainwashed life has gradually seeped out.

He recalls a breach of trust and broken promise made to the citizens of Chinatown fifty years previously and is determined to make amends and restitution, beginning with an unhappy confrontation in ‘Enter the Wolverine’…

The hero is reviled by the old men who remember him, and subsequently attacked by an army of triad gangsters and kung fu warriors determined to eradicate the shame he had heaped upon their forefathers…

Outmatched and beaten near to death by the massed Tong fighters, the barely resisting Wolverine is further-imperilled when his old girlfriend Lin turns up in ‘Black Dragon Death Squad to the Edge of Panic’ – a septuagenarian crime-boss still furious that he abandoned her half a century past and ready to avenge the insult by setting her mystic martial arts warriors on him…

Suffering the worst beating of his impossibly long and fractious life, Logan barely escapes into the sewers as the long-suffering San Francisco cops arrive only to be greeted with stony silence. As usual the close-knit community refuses to have anything to do with such unworthy interfering outsiders…

Chinatown has always been policed by the Black Dragon: a supreme criminal boss who takes tribute from civilian and Tong societies alike, and in return always ensures peace and a healthy business environment. Now, far below the incensed citizenry, the slowly recuperating Logan recalls how ‘Once Upon a Time in Chinatown’ he breezed into the thriving ghetto just as current chief Lo Shang Cho began overstepping traditional boundaries and acting like an old world tyrant.

Naturally he had to intervene, but after killing the bullying despot and routing his ruthless thugs, the cocky mutant shirked his responsibility, refusing to become the new Black Dragon and insulting the entire community by leaving.

His brief paramour Lin was compelled to take his place to maintain order, but over the decades she became as cruelly corrupt and debased as her predecessor …and now the “man” who ruined her life has returned, seemingly not one day older or wiser…

Whilst recovering, the deeply penitent Wolverine has been tutored by Master Po, the kung fu sensei who first tried to teach him to fight like a man and not an animal. It didn’t work then but this time the Black Dragon commands unbeatable magical warriors Rock of the Buddha, Fist of Fire, Storm Sword and Soulstriker and the mutant just cannot win with his usual unthinking berserker methods…

Covertly trying to rally support and drive out the “bad criminals” forever Logan, attempts to recruit some of the area’s martial arts Schools and Dojos to his cause in the blistering finale but as usual, events get away from him and fists and feet too soon start furiously flying in ‘The Way of the Black Dragon’, leading to a triumph of sorts and a whole new role for the transplanted, redeemed Canadian…

This spectacular and bombastic homage to Hong Kong action cinema and comics perfectly blends East and West wonderment in a beautiful, intoxicating manner and also includes a glorious guest-shot from vintage 1970s stalwarts Lin Sun, Abe Brown and Bob Diamond, the legendary Sons of the Tiger (and one of the US industry’s first martial arts series, from issues #1-19 issues of the mature-readers magazine Deadly Hands of Kung Fu, April 1974-December 1975).

The one-shot X-Men Manifest Destiny: Nightcrawler follows as ‘Quitting Time’ (by James Asmus, Jorge Molina, Ardian Syaf, Victor Olazaba & Vicente Cifuentes) focuses on the swashbuckler-turned-priest as he seeks for higher meaning in the eradication of mutants and his own place in the X-Men.

An answer is perhaps forthcoming in a request to visit a museum dedicated to him in the German village where he was almost killed by pitchfork-wielding bigots who believed he was a demon…

At that time Professor Charles Xavier saved him and invited him to join the mutant hero team, setting him on the path of the hero. However, all these years later as he meets his former persecutors, the troubled cleric still feels like an unclean outsider and realises he has been brought to his homeland under false pretences. Another “demon” is plaguing Winzeldorf and, with a child missing, the villagers are expecting one monster to catch the other.

Of course there is far more going on than meets the eye, and inevitable tragedy leads to a confrontation with a genuine devil when the satanic Mephisto appears, hungry for despoiled and tarnished souls…

‘Kill or Cure’ by Mike Carey, Michael Ryan & Victor Olazaba was the lead strip in the miniseries X-Men: Manifest Destiny and followed radical changes in the life of founding X-Man Robert Drake. As Iceman, the hero had been fighting for most of his adult life but when maniacal mutant shapeshifter Mystique poisoned him with a genetically keyed neural inhibitor, his powers began to run amok and he imagined his end was near.

Embarking on a trip to Utopia and the medical ministrations of best friend Hank “The Beast” McCoy, Drake was dogged and sabotaged every step of the way by Mystique who apparently wanted him dead but seemed reluctant or unable to finish him off, despite his weakened condition and wildly fluctuating powers…

Surviving her many assaults, Iceman realised an exponential leap in his abilities but their final confrontation on the Bay Bridge proved that his understanding of her incomprehensible motives and actions was far from complete…

The short story section opens with a comedic clash between matter-detonating mutant ‘Boom-Boom’ and cheesy Homo Superior shoplifter Kuwa in a broadly slapstick tale of slapstick broads by Asmus, Chris Burnham & Nathan Fairbairn, after which Nightcrawler returns in a pretty but downbeat psycho-drama.

As the teleporting hero faces old foes in a Danger Room simulation, he is forced to confront his deep doubts and true feelings for a lost comrade in the bittersweet ‘Work it Out’ (Asmus & Takeshi Miyazawa) before ‘Nick’s’ by Frank Tieri, Ben Oliver & Frank D’Armata ends things on a moodily oppressive note after Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler pay a disturbingly heavy-handed visit to a former Evil Mutant with the intention of keeping the already-reformed character on the straight and narrow…

This stirring and excessively entertaining tome comes with a selection of cover reproductions from Dave Wilkins, Brandon Peterson, Humberto Ramos & Brian Reber and Michael Turner and pages of stunning designs, roughs and colour studies by Segovia featuring assorted kung fu warriors and the Sons of the Tiger.
© 2008, 2009 Marvel Characters In. All rights reserved.

Heroes for Hire: Ahead of the Curve

By Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti, Zeb Wells, Al Rio, Clay Mann, Scott Koblish, Tom Palmer & Terry Pallot (Marvel)
ISBN 978-1-7851-2363-6

After a TV reality show starring actual superheroes went hideously wrong and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of children in Stamford, Connecticut, popular opinion turned massively against masked crusaders. The Federal government quickly mandated a scheme to licence, train and regulate all metahumans but the plan split the superhero community, and an indignant, terrified general populace quivered as a significant faction of their former defenders refused to surrender their autonomy – and in many cases, anonymity – to the bureaucratic vicissitudes of the Super-Human Registration Act.

The Avengers and Fantastic Four, bedrock teams of the Marvel Universe, fragmented with “brother pitted against brother”. As the conflict escalated it became clear to all involved that the increasingly bitter fighting was for souls as much as lives.

Both sides battled for love of Country and Constitution and both sides knew they were right. At the heart of that savage battle of ideologies, bionic-armed detective Misty Knight and her ninja-trained partner Colleen Wing put together a squad of new and accomplished warriors to do some real good during the worst of times…

Knight and Wing – AKA the Daughters of the Dragon – are former associates of Power Man & Iron Fist, and initially revived their old firm Heroes for Hire to apprehend metas who refused to comply with the SHRA. However their new squad – reformed thief Black Cat, Kung Fu Master Shang-Chi, insect avatar Humbug, Atlantean strongman Orka, bloodthirsty martial artist Tarantula and super-mercenary Paladin – soon all found themselves at odds with the tricky path they were following as their promised role (only apprehending villains) began to suffer increasing “mission creep”…

Moreover as they tracked their sanctioned targets, a deadly menace from the past was hunting them…

This collection, gathering issues #6-10 of the second Heroes for Hire comicbook series (from March-July 2007), saw the already tarnished team seek to survive financially hard times following a split with their S.H.I.E.L.D. paymasters – even if it meant not being too picky about their clients…

Most innocuous of these was little genius Billy who offered the entire contents of his piggybank if the Heroes would help him recover his robot friend Vic from super-villains who had stolen him…

Almost simultaneously a more lucrative case materialised when shady Diamond District enforcer Louis Kravits came looking for metahuman help and forced Misty to split the squad in ‘Guns, Gems, Robots and Terrorists!’

Most of the team would concentrate on a gang of power-armoured gem-thieves and their hidden high-tech supplier, whilst a less-than-thrilled Humbug would render whatever assistance deemed necessary to reunite Billy with his ambulatory toy.

It would prove to be a truly disastrous misallocation of resources…

As Misty’s squad hunts for the exultant and overconfident thieves and their loot, Humbug learns just why little kids are such a trial; convinced he’s on a wild goose chase until his billions of arthropod eyes scattered throughout the city lead them to a certain sewer where the ludicrously lethal Headmen are hidden. They have just finished reprogramming Vic, a damaged and discarded killer Doombot…

The Headmen were initially a trio of thematically linked scientists and savants, all “stars” of Marvel’s pre-superhero fantasy anthologies, grouped together by the late, great Steve Gerber in The Defenders. With the inclusion of the weirdly salacious Ruby Thursday, compulsive rogue surgeon Arthur Nagan (whose obsession with brain transplants took a decidedly outré turn when his gorilla test-subjects rebelled and wreaked a darkly ironic revenge upon him), body hopping, quadriplegic mystic Chondu and near-as-dammit boneless scientist Jerry Morgan, they became a macabre cadre of skull-stealing mercenary maniacs who seemed to perpetrate wickedness just because they could…

As the bulk of Heroes for Hire thrash the tooled-up robbers and subsequently track their exo-suits to a ship in Brooklyn, the seriously overmatched Humbug is captured and subjected to Nagan’s latest surgical atrocity…

Aboard ship Misty’s group is ambushed by their prey – revealed as old Avengers foes Grim Reaper and Man-Ape, augmented by a female terrorist named Saboteur – and awaken to find themselves trapped with a downward-counting nuke…

Zeb Wells replaced Justin Grey & Jimmy Palmiotti as scripter with issue #8 as, never daunted, the Heroes save New York and get rid of the bomb, but, whilst following a paper-trail to their enemies, receive a bizarre cry for help from Humbug’s insect minions. Dividing the H4H stalwarts, Misty sends Shang-Chi, Orka and business manager Otis after the missing bug-wrangler whilst she leads the women on a “Girls’ Night Out” to crush the Reaper and his “Death-Cadre”…

Tragically one of the boys just cannot take the Headmen and their shabby robot seriously and pays a fatal price, driving the Master of Kung Fu to a shameful lack of restraint and uncanny depths of violence as he avenges his fallen comrade and the cruel damage done to Humbug…

Worst of all neither gig actually results in a payoff, a fact disgraced former member Paladin exploits when he shows up with well-paying, uncomplicated “clean” case…

Nobody has seen the mercenary since he betrayed them all and tried to sell their friend Captain America to the Government (for refusing to comply with the Super-Human Registration Act in Heroes for Hire: Civil War) but now the glib gladiator has an offer they simply can’t refuse: capturing a proto hominid specimen from the primeval Savage Land and delivering him safely to scientists desperate to examine his uniquely untainted genes.

The boffins are offering each member of the snatch squad a million dollars…

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s science division are frantic to get their hands on the diminutive Homo Habilis but he is best-buddies pals with a fiercely protective crimson Tyrannosaur – which old-time fans will recognise as Jack Kirby’s outrageously cool adventure heroes Devil Dinosaur and sidekick Moonboy…

Outvoted, the still furious Misty can only go along with her team as they head to Antarctica and an antediluvian nightmare (with Al Rio surrendering the pencilling chores to Clay Mann for #9-10)…

The Savage Land is a fantastic repository of creatures from Earth’s most distant epochs, and even as his team-mates are attacked by beasts – and beast-men – Humbug is taken by insects long-vanished from the rest of the world, leaving his friends to believe him dead and eaten…

Completely out of their depth, the Heroes soon accomplish their distasteful mission but find themselves in deadly danger from the flora and fauna of the perilous paradise until Humbug reappears to save them.

He is completely changed: no longer the whiny clown they knew. Powerful, confident and slightly frightening, he informs them that they must all return to New York immediately to fight a threat to the entire planet, However the team have no idea what the ancient insect masters of Earth have transformed their oafish ally into…

This bombastic book also includes a cover gallery by Billy Tucci, Mark Sparacio & Mike Golden to cap a splendidly gritty, witty, funny, fast-paced and spectacularly action-packed, menu of menace and manic adventure to delight all older fans of Fights ‘n’ Tights fiction.
© 2007 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse (Prelude to Darkest Night)

By Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Rebecca Buchman, Christian Alamy, Prentis Rollins & Tom Nguyen (DC Comics)
ISBN: 978-1-4012-2529-2

The Green Lantern Corps has protected the cosmos from evil and disaster for uncounted millennia, policing vast numbers of sentient beings under the severe but benevolent auspices of immortal super-beings who dubbed themselves Guardians of the Universe.

These undying patrons of Order were one of the first races to evolve and dwelt in sublime, emotionless security and tranquillity on the world of Oa at the very centre of creation.

Green Lanterns are chosen for their capacity to overcome fear and are equipped and armed with a ring that creates constructs out of emerald light. This miracle weapon is fuelled by the strength of their willpower, making it one of the mightiest tools in the universe.

For millennia, a single individual from each of the 3600 sectors of known space was selected to patrol his, her or its own beat, but in recent years the Guardians have frequently changed their own rules and laws. Now two GLs are assigned to work in each stellar division.

The Guardians’ motives have also increasingly come into question by many of their once-devoted operatives and peacekeepers, who have frequently seen the formerly infallible little blue gods exposed as venal, ruthless, doctrinaire and even capricious…

In the aftermath of the Sinestro Corps War, the universe was in turmoil at the revelation that Green was not the only colour and that an entire emotional spectrum of puissant energies underpinned and operated upon reality – and could thus be appropriated and exploited.

Soon each colour was being wielded by a power faction such as Atrocitus‘ anger-charged Red Lanterns, Zamaron‘s love-manipulating Violet-powered Star Sapphires or the enigmatic Agent Orange. The Guardians themselves were clearly off-balance, constantly changing the adamantine Laws in their precious Book of Oa and obviously terrified that some ancient prophecy was coming to fruition despite all their coldly calculated efforts…

This volume (collecting Green Lantern Corps #33-39 from 2009) is billed as a “Prelude to Blackest Night” and if you’re particularly wedded to strict running order and overarching continuity there are other books you should read such as the aforementioned Sinestro War volumes (all three of them), Rage of the Red Lanterns, Green Lantern: Secret Origin and Green Lantern: Agent Orange at the very least. Heck, read them all – if you’ve come this far you’re clearly already intrigued by the sheer immensity and scope of it all…

The space opera/cop procedural opens here as two of the wearily battered but triumphant interstellar peacekeepers enjoy some downtime by painting a mural in their still-not-open “cop-bar” on Oa.

“Honor Guard” Earth Lanterns Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner are debating the Guardian’s latest emotion-crunching edict banning relationships between serving officers and how many of their fellows it will affect. Soon their paint party is augmented by dozens of others officers keen to contribute and chat; all blithely unaware that one of their venerated masters has been suborned to The Black and actively works to destroy them and all they cherish…

Meanwhile, on the violently xenophobic planet Daxam, the remnants of Sinestro’s Corps, now led by the sadistic superman Mongul II, is committing genocide for entertainment as the despot consolidates his leadership and plans to take his growing army of yellow fear-worshippers on a new crusade of terror and destruction.

On Oa resignations are up as many veterans choose love over duty and quit the Corps. Rayner has a personal stake in the new Law too: enjoying a clandestine – and now forbidden – relationship with fellow lantern Soranik Natu of Korugar. Even as the lovers discuss their insurmountable problem, in the distant depths of space GL Saarek meets a passion-powered Star Sapphire as he uses his unique ability on a fragment of the carcass of the once terrible multiversal menace The Anti-Monitor…

The dead speak to Saarek and his conversation with the Zamaron Miri is painful and portentous for both of them and the entire cosmos…

On Daxam the wanton bloodshed is temporarily halted when the monstrous Arkillo challenges Mongul for leadership of the Yellow Lanterns. This distraction allows a desperate survivor to flee offworld and alert the Sector’s GL team: Arisia of Graxos IV and self-exiled Daxamite Sodam Yat.

The fugitive is his own mother, but Yat is fiercely disinclined to help. As a star-gazing youth he yearned to visit other worlds but his family, like all Daxamites, brutally discouraged his dreams. When the boy actually encountered a shipwrecked alien his parents had the poor creature stuffed and mounted as a warning…

Once Yat finally escaped his fundamentalist, bigoted, supremacist world he swore never to return. It takes all Arisia’s efforts to convince him otherwise.

As Natu leaves Oa for Korugar, deep in the Guardians’ Citadel, the hundreds of horrors isolated in impenetrable Sciencells become agitated when Gardner, Salaak and Kilowog try to slam the door on newest inmate Vice.

The raging Red Lantern is barely locked in when Warden GL Voz is attacked. Deep in the bowels of Oa, the renegade Black Guardian had deactivated the Sciencells and soon a complete riot ensues, exacerbated when the captured yellow rings of Sinestro’s adherents are reactivated and returned to the rampaging prisoners…

With carnage erupting and deaths mounting, all GLs on Oa are dispatched to the penitentiary, whilst on Daxam Yat and Arisia have linked up with a band of surviving Daxamites and begun training them to fight back against the blood-crazed invaders.

A darker confrontation occurs on Korugar as Natu is ambushed by escaped megalomaniac Sinestro who reveals a shattering secret about her comfortable happy childhood…

The riot on Oa finally subsides – after spectacular damage and catastrophic losses – with the Greens victorious even as, on Daxam, Yat loses a ferocious battle against Mongul but ultimately wins the war by making the most impossible of sacrifices…

And on Oa the once unshakable Guardians irretrievably shatter their already tarnished reputations by ordering the elite Alpha-Lanterns to summarily and secretly execute all the recaptured prisoners, prompting even their most devoted servants to lose hope and faith…

Now The Blackest Night begins and the universe itself will pay for the Guardians’ arrogance and duplicity……

Also featuring a beautiful and stirring gallery of covers and variants from Gleason, Buchman, Rodolfo Migliari and Glenn Fabry, this spectacular collection of plot threads and opening gambits combines all the spectacle, cosmic derring-do, tense suspense and blazing action fans adore, but even this “jumping on” epic is not really a beginning and far, far from a neat and tidy end.

Although this bombastic yarn is highly continuity-dependent, determined newcomers should still be able to extract a vast amount of histrionic enjoyment out of the explosive, compulsive, compelling, pell-mell onslaught of action… and you could always find those other volumes and get fully in the picture…
© 2009 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns (Prelude to Blackest Night)

By Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Mike McKone, Shane Davis & various (DC Comics)
ISBN: 978-4012-2302-1

Since the dawn of the Silver Age of Comics where and when The Flash kick-started it all to become the fast-beating heart of the revived genre of superheroes, his fellow jet-age retread Green Lantern has always provided the conceptual core framework for the comprehensive, pervasive magic of the monolithic DC Universe’s shared continuity.

Hal Jordan was a young test pilot in California when an alien policeman crashed on Earth. Mortally wounded, Abin Sur commanded his Green Power-ring – a device fuelled by willpower which could materialise thoughts – to seek out a replacement ring-bearer, honest and without fear. Scanning the planet it selected Jordan and brought him to the crash-site. The dying alien bequeathed his ring, the lantern-shaped Battery of Power and his profession to the astonished Earthman.

Over the years Jordan became one of the greatest members of that serried band of law-enforcers, the Green Lantern Corps, which had protected the cosmos from evil for uncounted millennia under the auspices of immortal super-beings who dubbed themselves the Guardians of the Universe.

These undying patrons of Order were one of the first races in creation and currently dwell in sublime emotionless security on the world of Oa at the very centre of creation.

Even if you are a true Fights ‘n’ Tights epic aficionado, if all this is new to you then Rage of the Red Lanterns should absolutely not be your introduction to the series.

Go read (at least) Green Lantern: Secret Origin and preferably all the other collections of this monumental fixture in the comicbook firmament before attempting to decipher the compulsive, compelling, pell-mell onslaught of characters and concepts scripter Geoff Johns threw at the reader as his extended epic thoroughly reshaped that aforementioned DCU.

Still here? Okay then…

Following the bombastic, blockbusting Sinestro Corps War, all of creation was in turmoil at the revelation that Green was not the only colour and an entire emotional spectrum of unsuspected yet puissant energies underpinned and operated upon reality. In increasingly ambitious storylines, Johns began exploring the adherents and disciples of each hue and the forces transformed by or seeking to control them…a situation which would lead inexorably and inescapably into DC’s major crossover events Blackest Night and its sequel Brightest Day.

In themselves these twinned mega-sagas were the result of an increasingly all-encompassing series of comicbook crises which would dominate the company’s output for nearly three years…

This volume (collecting Green Lantern #26-28, 36-38 and the one-shot Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1) is billed as a “Prelude to Blackest Night” and its chronologically telescoped tales actually straddle the separately released Green Lantern: Secret Origins), so if you’re particularly wedded to strict running order that’s one more hurdle to your full enjoyment.

If you’ll permit an earnest aside: all this prevarication might seem like I’m trying to put readers off and don’t like the material I’m covering, but nothing could be further than the truth. When done right, these kinds of epic super-sagas are utterly mesmerising narrative intoxicants that no other medium of human expression can match, but very few of them can be enjoyed on purely ambient knowledge.

Almost anybody can come cold to Lord of the Rings, Gone With the Wind, Michener’s Centennial, Clavell’s Shogun or EE Smith’s Lensman books but still enjoy them with only the barest smattering of background and targeted exposition, whereas periodical comicbooks are more akin to long-running TV soaps like Coronation Street or Days of Our Lives, with neither time nor space to constantly reintroduce key characters, concepts and history, but still keenly dependent on specific knowledge to fully engage with the material.

I find it personally daunting and, after 30-plus years in the creative, educational and retail arenas of comics, know it is crucially off-putting for many potential newcomers and even old fans tempted to start reading their childhood favourites again. That’s just the way it is and why I’ll always go on about getting through this stuff in the most favourable order.

Here endeth the Sermon…

Written in entirety by Johns, the multi-hued madness here begins with a 3-part tale that originally appeared immediately after the conclusion of the Sinestro Corps War. ‘The Alpha Lanterns’, pencilled by Mike McKone with inks from Andy Lanning, Marlo Aquiza, Cam Smith, Mark Farmer & Norm Rapmund, detailed how cracks began to form in the solidarity of the Green Lantern Corps after the immortal, emotionally constricted Guardians began arbitrarily rewriting the ancient Laws in their biblical Book of Oa, such as no fraternisation between serving Lanterns and – crucially – revoking the Corps’ eons-old no deadly force mandate.

Moreover the little blue gods were clearly concealing important facts from their devoted peace-keeping force when they summarily created a harsh and draconian Internal Affairs division to police their police.

Worst of all, these new Alpha Lanterns had been surgically altered, becoming more slavish automaton than sentient sentinel…

Imprisoned in an Oan sciencell, rogue GL Sinestro of Korugar crowed over his ultimate victory. His army of monsters, armed with yellow rings fuelled by fear, had ravaged the universe and compelled the complacent, emotion-disdaining Guardians to panic and change their billion-year-old policies and edicts. He seemed utterly unmoved by the fact that his captors had retaliated by sentencing him to death…

The bubbling undercurrents of tense friction exploded when GL Laira took the new General Orders too far and executed a Yellow Lantern who had surrendered. She immediately fell under the remorseless jurisdiction of the Alphas, and her subsequent show trial and conviction further split the Corps. Galaxies away, the maimed Guardian dubbed “Scar” covertly seconded maverick GL Ash and dispatched him on a secret mission to recover the remains of universal nemesis the Anti-Monitor…

And on the devastated hell-world Ysmault – scene of the Guardians’ greatest shame – Atrocitus, one of only five survivors of his entire space sector, moved to create his own Corps of ring-bearers. These aggrieved agents would all be powered by the scarlet bile of red hot rage…

Battle lines were being drawn as the universe moved inexorably towards the fulfilment of an ancient dark prophecy.

Due to the Guardians’ ancient treaty with a deadly uncontrollable force wielding Orange light, the star-system of Vega had always been outside GL Corps’ jurisdiction, subsequently becoming an interstellar sinkhole and safe-haven for the very worst scum of universe.

Now, however, ancient racial offshoot The Controllers (a splinter group who split from the Guardians eons ago) entered the bewilderingly vast conflict, determined to appropriate the colour for their own arsenal, but tragically unaware of the horror they would unleash…

Convicted, stripped of rank and power but still unrepentant, furious Laira was being transported back to her home planet when a Red Lantern ring found her and completed her fall from grace…

‘Rage of the Red Lanterns Part 1’, illustrated by Shane Davis & Sandra Hope, then revealed the secrets of Atrocitus’ rise to power, expanded upon Ash’s quest for the husk of the Anti-Monitor and followed a doomed convoy of Green Lanterns tasked with transporting Sinestro to his place of execution on Korugar.

When they were ambushed by Red Lanterns determined to take the leader of the Yellow Lanterns to a far worse fate than death, all seemed lost until Hal Jordan was rescued by a benign saviour called Saint Walker who wore a ring of shining, cleansing Blue…

This wild spectacle continued in Green Lantern #36-38 with art from Ivan Reis, Oclair Albert & Julio Ferreira, as Jordan became focus and crucible of the conflict, with both Red Rage and Blue Hope attempting to possess him, making him their agent in a rapidly unfolding War of Light and horrific Darkest Night which would soon endanger all life and creation…

First, however, the conflicted earthman had to face Atrocitus and rescue Sinestro so that the renegade could be properly executed by the rightful authorities of the universe, even as on Earth his ex-girlfriend Carol Ferris was again targeted by the Violet light of Love and one of the coldly pious Guardians slipped further into black madness…

To Be So Very Continued…

Also featuring a beautiful and stirring gallery of covers by McKone, Lanning, Davis & Hope, this spectacular collection of plot threads and opening gambits combines all the signature big-picture theatrics, cosmic derring-do, tense suspense, solid characterization and blistering action fans adore, but even this “jumping on” epic is not really a beginning and far, far from a neat and tidy end.

So brush up on DC/Green Lantern history before even contemplating this astounding and ambitious first course in a banquet of comics indulgence…
© 2008, 2009 DC Comics. All rights reserved.

Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow

By Rick Remender, John Cassaday, Olivier Coipel & Mark Morales (Marvel/Panini UK)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-528-4

In the aftermath of the blockbuster Avengers versus X-Men publishing event, the company-wide reboot MarvelNOW! began repositioning and recasting the entire continuity in the ongoing never-ending battle to keep old readers interested and pick up new ones.

Sadly this isn’t a merely Marvel problem but a malaise affecting the entire global comics industry, but that struggle for survival does occasionally produce some truly stellar reading results as in this impressive fusion of two grand old franchises, allowing writer Rick Remender and artists John Cassaday, Olivier Coipel & Mark Morales to take the latest brigade of the “World’s Mightiest Superheroes” in a fascinating old new direction.

Collecting Uncanny Avengers #1-5 (cover-dated December 2012-May 2013), this astounding reaffirmation of the magic of Fights ‘n’ Tights fiction opens with the eponymous 4-part thriller depicting the creation of a new, politically correct and provocatively inclusive team combining human and mutant heroes, tasked with proving that mutant visionary Charles Xavier‘s dream of lasting cooperation and mutual amity between Home Sapiens and Superior was not impossible…

What You Need to Know: Once upon a time the mutant Avenger Wanda Maximoff – daughter of arch-villain Magneto and known to the world as the Scarlet Witch – married the android hero Vision and they had (through the agency of magic and her unsuspected chaos-energy fuelled ability to reshape reality) twin boys. Over the course of time it was revealed that her sons were not real and they subsequently vanished (for further details see Marvel Platinum: the Definitive Avengers).

As the years passed their loss slowly, imperceptibly drove Wanda mad and when she at long last slipped completely over the edge and destroyed a number of her Avenger team-mates, the effects of her power and actions affected and reshaped the entire Marvel Universe, resulting in a dramatic reboot event known as Avengers Disassembled.

No sooner had the team recovered from that catastrophe than reality was overwritten again when she had another breakdown and altered Earth history such that Magneto’s mutants ruled over a society where normal humans (“sapiens”) were an acknowledged evolutionary dead-end living out their lives and destined for extinction within two generations.

It took every hero on Earth and a great deal of luck to put that genie back in a bottle (in another colossal company crossover dubbed House of M), and in the aftermath less than 200 mutants were left on Earth…

The Witch was partially rehabilitated and began her redemption during Avengers versus X-Men wherein the World’s Mightiest Heroes strove against the remaining mutant outcasts for control of young Hope Summers: a girl predestined to become mortal host to the implacable force of cosmic destruction and creation known as The Phoenix.

However the primal phenomenon instead possessed a quintet of X-Men, corrupting them whilst empowering their dream of turning the planet into a paradise for besieged, beleaguered Homo Superior.

In the ensuing conflict humanity was briefly enslaved before inevitably the rapacious, selfish destructive hunger of the Phoenix Force caused those possessed to turn upon each other. Soon its transcendent energy transformed the unifying, rallying figure of head freedom-fighter Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops, into another seemingly unstoppable and insatiable “Dark Phoenix”.

At that crossroads moment his beloved mentor Xavier, founder of the X-Men and formulator of the policy of peaceful mutant/human co-existence returned, only to be killed by his most trusted, devoted disciple…

Professor X’s death forced X-Men and Avengers to unite against the true threat but, in the days that followed the expulsion of the Phoenix Force, progress and reconciliation stalled. The mostly human world festered with resentment even as new mutants began to appear, and liberated humanity again fell into its old habits of species intolerance and violent, bigoted vigilante outrage…

After disturbing scenes of brain surgery, our story now begins in ‘New Union’ as Wolverine leads the bereaved Homo Superior students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning in services for their fallen inspirational Moses (or perhaps more accurately Martin Luther King). Meanwhile in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. detention centre an unrepentant Cyclops is paid a visit by his brother.

Also known as the government-sanctioned mutant agent Havok, Alex Summers is appalled at the unflinching hard-line attitude of his apparently irredeemably radicalised sibling who seems oblivious to the damage his crusade has done to Xavier’s Dream. On exiting the facility, Alex is met by Captain America and Thor who have an enticing yet frightening proposal for the shaken former head of America’s X-Factor mutant task-force…

The Sentinel of Liberty is painfully aware that America’s mutant minority has been poorly served – if not actively institutionally discriminated against – and is hungry to make amends by making real Xavier’s vision. To that end he wants to create a new high-profile, affirmatively-active Avengers Unity Division, comprising humans and mutant heroes working together.

He also wants Havok to lead the team…

Even as Alex and the Avenger elder statesmen discuss the deeply contentious and heavy-handed proposal, an old, vile threat has resurfaced. Mutant terrorist Avalanche launches a devastating assault, slaughtering hundreds of New Yorkers, before killing himself when Thor, Captain America and Havok intervene. The atrocity has no apparent motive but the killer seems to have undergone recent cranial surgery…

Elsewhere the desperately repentant Scarlet Witch tries to pay her condolences at Xavier’s shrine but is attacked by furiously indignant X-Man Rogue before they are both ambushed and captured by a squad of metahumans faithful to a monster claiming to be the true Red Skull.

The Nazi hate-monger has plans to eradicate the sub-human mutant race forever, and now that he has stolen the deceased Professor X’s brain – and telepathic powers – nothing can stop him…

The horror grows in ‘Skulduggery’ as Wolverine joins the heroes at the scene of Avalanche’s holocaust/suicide, confirming that the mass-mover had fully reformed and this disaster must have a hidden architect. Although dubious of Cap’s “positive PR” solution, the feral mutant is also convinced that someone is trying to foment genocide and agrees with Thor that they need to be stopped… permanently…

Answers come when the Red Skull pre-empts television broadcasts, urging humanity to rise up and destroy the mutants who are the cause of all America’s woes. It’s the same vile message as espoused in Depression-era Germany seven decades ago, but this time enforced on believers and resisters alike by Xavier’s irresistible psychic powers.

Soon, brainwashed mortals are slaughtering anybody deemed different. The message is backed up and subtly reinforced by the Fascist’s deadly deputy Honest John, the Living Propaganda, even as the Skull’s other S-MenGoat-Faced Girl, Dancing Water, The Insect, Mzee and Living Wind – tend to their master’s mutant captives…

Soon however Rogue and Wanda have escaped, but their flight through the monster’s hidden fortress is abruptly halted when they discover the appalling remains of Xavier, allowing the Nazi madman to make them his mindless slaves.

The Worst Fiend in History has big plans: if he can bend Wanda to his will, perhaps she can be made to rewrite reality again to the deranged Nazi’s debaseded design…

‘Skull & Bones’ sees the madman and his puppets begin their eradication campaign in Manhattan as the Crimson Hatemonger seizes direct control of ordinary humans and orders them to slaughter all mutants in an orgy of destruction with only Cap, Havok, Thor and Wolverine to battle the rampage of rampant unchecked hatred and fear in ‘Thunder’.

With so many mystical mindbenders on his team, it’s not long before Teutonic deity Thor is also seduced and beguiled by the Skull and set upon his erstwhile mutant comrades; but sadly for the briefly triumphant S-Men their leader’s iron hold on the Scarlet Witch has subsequently slipped…

Against all odds, the mismatched Politically Correct Paladins score an unlikely victory and drive off the Skull, forcing the still-unconvinced Havok to admit that his proposed new team might actually help remould the nation’s fears and opinions…

This initial collection concludes with a tantalising glimpse of things to come in an untitled fill-in from Remender, Coipel & Morales which publicly launches the Avengers Unity Division amidst a flurry of time-bending hints and portents.

Interspersed with pithy glimpses of old adversaries Immortus, Kang the Conqueror and Onslaught as well as the advent of ancient, portentous devil-babies the Apocalypse Twins (all murderously jockeying for position), the first Press Conference of the official team – Havok, Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Wonder Man, the Wasp and Sunfire – goes horribly wrong when implacable undead enemy the Grim Reaper attacks, resulting in a shocking death which looks set to undermine all that hard-won pro-mutant progress in one bloody instant…

To Be Continued…

Engaging, exciting and extremely entertaining; blending spectacular adventure with wry suspense, this new look at an old concept is magnificent fun and promises even greater thrills and chills to come.

This book also includes a vast, sublime and expansive cover-and-variants gallery by Cassaday, Mark Brooks, Sara Pichelli, Neal (not, as attributed, Arthur) Adams, Coipel, Skotti Young, Ryan Stegman, Adi Granov, Mark Texeira, J. Scott Campbell, Simone Bianchi and Milo Manara and a selection of now obligatory 21st century extra content for tech-savvy consumers in the form of AR icon sections.

These Marvel Augmented Reality App pages give access to story bonuses once you download the little dickens – free from marvel.com – onto your smart-phone or Android-enabled tablet.

™ & © 2013 Marvel & Subs. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. through Panini S.p.A. All rights reserved. A British Edition published by Panini Publishing, a division of Panini UK, Ltd.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and Son

By Jeffrey Brown (Lucas Books/Chronicle Books)
ISBN: 978-1-4521-0655-7

It’s never too late to find a treasure or have a good time. Cartoonist Jeffrey Brown certainly knows that, as a glance at any of his painfully incisive autobiographical mini-comics, quirky literary graphic novels and hilarious all-ages comedy cartoons will show.

Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1975, Brown studied Fine Art at the Chicago Art Institute but abandoned painting to concentrate on comics.

His painfully intense, bizarrely funny observational strips soon garnered him fans amongst in-the-know consumers and fellow creators alike: all finding something to love in such varied fare as Every Girl Is The End of the World For Me, Cat Getting Out of a Bag and Other Observations, Little Things or current on-going series Sulk.

Happily, unlike so many creators with such an eclectic oeuvre, Brown has also achieved a measure of mainstream success thanks to his keen artistic sense and a lifelong love affair with the most significant popular arts phenomenon of the last 35 years.

In 2012 Brown created a breakout and mainstream best-seller with his hilarious spin on the soft and nurturing side of the Dark Lord of the Sith: exploring what might have been, had the most dangerous man (more or less) in the Empire had the opportunity to spend a little quality time with his missing son and heir…

The hilarious pre (Jedi) school experiences of Star Wars – Episode Three and a Half: Darth Vader and Son features deliriously daft and telling snatches of Skywalker domesticity highlighting such memorable moments as baseball practise with light sabre, a day at the beach (on Tatooine), budding sibling rivalry with a stupid-head sister, having “the talk” about babies, Trick or Treating with dad in tow, playing in Trash (compactors), finding a babysitter for a precocious kid, shovelling snow on Hoth, playing with that Solo kid and the joy of that first (Speeder) bike as well as a host of other awkward, touching warm moments in the otherwise drab life of a galactic nemesis.

No fan of the all-conquering franchise could possibly do without this deliciously sweet and still readily available hardcover hit – or its recent sequel Vader’s Little Princess – and these superbly subversive cartoon treats could easily make converts of the hardest hearted, fun-starved rationalist or clone.

Gloriously daft and entrancingly fun, this is a superb treat for fans and unbelievers alike and there’s even the promise of a third volume in the pipeline…

© 2012 by Lucasfilm Ltd & ® or ™ where indicated. All rights reserved.

Stars Wars: Vader’s Little Princess

By Jeffrey Brown (Lucas Books/Chronicle Books)
ISBN: 978-1-4521-1869-7

Since its launch in 1977 the Star Wars franchise has spawned an awful lot of comic books, toys, games, countless examples of merchandise and even some more movies. The disciples, followers, fans, adherents and devotees are as helplessly dedicated as Trekkies and Whovians (without, as far as I’m aware, being subject to a demeaning descriptive appellation) and are well on the way to becoming the first religion to actively admit it’s completely fictional.

In 2012 Jeffrey Brown, star of such quirkily irresistible indy comics as Unlikely, Clumsy, Bighead, Funny, Misshapen Body and Incredible Change-Bots, scored his first global best-seller with a hilarious spin on the soft and nurturing side of the Jedi experience in Darth Vader and Son and now – just in time for National Star Wars Day – has expanded the concept with “Episode Three and Three-Quarters” to cover Luke Skywalker’s long-lost, turbulent, truculent twin sister Leia (we don’t call her Ambassador Organa anymore… yet… whatever…) in Vader’s Little Princess.

If we peek behind the midnight cape and ebony re-breather helmet of the long-suffering Lord of the Sith, we can glimpse the dark side for the hard-working single parent trying his best to bring up a rebellious girl child and her rather disappointing brother…

Dear daddy Darth only wants a little peace and quiet to destroy the Rebel Alliance and maybe rule the Galactic Empire, but it’s not easy as we can see in this sublime, full colour hardcover charting the rocky road of his capricious, changeable and charming little madam, from nosy, bossy, know-it-all brat to feisty, capable independent know-it-all college applicant in a series of gloriously arch and whimsical cartoons that will delight young and old alike.

It’s the same oft-told tale of parenthood: one minute she’s knitting you ugly presents, hiding your X-Wing’s keys or making faces behind your back whilst you admonish Grand Moff Tarkin, and the next she’s embarrassed to be seen with you; not taking messages from The Emperor and trying to stop you from even “talking” to that good-for-nothing, obnoxious, sneaky Corellian Solo kid who’s always hanging around…

Of course it’s not all one way traffic: Dads – no matter how important – don’t care about important things like fashion, never like your boyfriends and can be so-ooo embarrassing when you’re trying to impress the cool kids…

Gloriously daft and entrancingly fun, this is a superb treat for fans and unbelievers alike and there’s even the promise of a third volume in the pipeline…

© 2013 by Lucasfilm Ltd. LCC & ® or ™ where indicated. All rights reserved.

Trinity volume 1

By Kurt Busiek, Fabian Nicieza, Mark Bagley, Scott McDaniel, Tom Derenick, Jerry Ordway & various (DC Comics)
ISBN: 978-1-4012-2277-2

DC’s mythologizing of its most renowned character properties saw their ultimate expression in the ambitious if overly-convoluted year-long publishing event Trinity which revealed the unexpected cosmic significance of the relationship between Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

The series explored the metaphysical underpinnings of the DC Universe through 52 weekly instalments, split into a lead chapter with a connected ancillary episode intended to ultimately combine into a complex web of narrative encompassing the entire multiversal cosmos.

This initial volume – of three, natch – collects issues #1-17 of the omniversal odyssey (from June to October 2008) and was conceived and written by Kurt Busiek, with Fabian Nicieza co-scripting the sidebar stories. The art on the primaries was by Mark Bagley& Art Thibert, with Scott McDaniel, Tom Derenick, Mike Norton and others tag-teaming on the back-ups…

The reality-busting drama begins with ‘Boys and their Games…’ in the heart of the cosmos where an ancient, immensely powerful and obsessive being struggles to break free of a vast all-encompassing prison. Meanwhile in Keystone City, as their heroic associates take care of the usual distractions, old friends Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince meet for breakfast and discuss the distressing fact that they have all been enduring the same disturbing dreams of a monster escaping its imprisonment…

The first back-up tale ‘In the Morrows to Come’, by Busiek, Nicieza, McDaniel & Andy Owens, casts a light on Castle Branek where dark witch Morgaine Le Fey is accosted by a mysterious mortal dubbed Enigma who offers her the chance to rewrite Reality in her favour, tempting her with glimpses of other Earths and unfamiliar heroes. The first thing they need to do, however, is find a third co-conspirator and then seek out and capture a young girl with a strange knack for reading Tarot cards…

As the conspirators’ plans come together, reality begins to warp and wobble around Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman in ‘A Personal Best at Giant Robot Smashing’ (Busiek, Bagley & Thibert) but the heroes are proving remarkably resilient in the face of the bizarre and deadly outbreaks. Things are tougher for Green Lantern John Stewart in ‘It’s Gonna Throw the Car’ (Busiek, Nicieza, Derenick & Wayne Faucher) as alien powerhouse Konvikt and his diminutive mouthpiece and legal advocate Graak crash to Earth and go on a rampage.

Before long the unstoppable ETs are thrashing the entire Justice League in ‘Kplow’ (Busiek, Bagley & Thibert) and only the big three are left to stop them… until the big bruiser decks Superman… Meanwhile ‘Earth to Rita’ (Busiek, Nicieza, Norton & Jerry Ordway) reveals how street Tarot reader Marguerita Covas starts getting some very strange readings even as she realises her predictions have been misused by a local gangbanger.

However when the superstitious thug tries to abduct Rita to secure her exclusive services, concerned citizen Jose Delgado steps in too late and finds her dazed and reeling near a pile of dismembered gangstas. Something far more dangerous than the urban vigilante called Gangbuster is watching over the baffled clairvoyant…

The spectacular struggle against the fully amok Konvikt is going badly, prompting Batman to break off to investigate the aliens’ arrival point in ‘Caped Simoid Thinks So, Hm?’ (Busiek, Bagley, Thibert). During his absence a secretive new player makes use of the melee to surreptitiously brand Wonder Woman with a mystic sigil, whilst ‘World-Something…’ (by Busiek, Nicieza, Norton, Ordway, McDaniel & Owens) reveals how Rita’s dreams contact another alien  monster. The bloodthirsty Despero is mercilessly eradicating the forces of his stellar rival Kanjar Ro and, although she doesn’t know how or why, Rita is painfully aware that her foresights will become fact, affecting her and the entire Earth…

‘Great. Now He’s Holding His Breath.’ (another BBT production) sees the defeat of Konvikt by Batman, who also captures the mystic Howler which branded Wonder Woman. Miles away Rita’s Tarot face cards undergo a bizarre transformation, whilst things get hot for her self-appointed bodyguard Delgado as hired super-freaks Blindside, Throttle and Whiteout attack the ‘Knight in Shiny Armor’ (Busiek, Nicieza, Norton & Mark Farmer) to seize the tarot-reader…

Barely escaping, the hero and his charge flee, but Tarot is almost oblivious to her personal peril: all she can see is that the pictures on her cards keep changing…

‘Truth, Justice & the American Way…’ follows the recovering Trinity of heroes through the visions of the ever-evolving Tarot. Her attempts to divine the meaning and significance bear no fruit until a horde of Howlers overpower Gangbuster and drag the girl away. Just as ‘Almost’ (Busiek, Nicieza, McDaniel & Owens) shifts focus to Hawkman, as he defeats the seductive Nocturna , the reincarnated warrior stumbles onto the bloodied and brutalised Delgado who is obsessively searching for Rita. His hunt has taken him to StonechatMuseum – where her old Gangsta associates are stealing ancient artefacts – and into accidental combat with the Winged Wonder.

Once the dust settles and amends are made, the two heroes confer and learn that other relics are being taken from museums all over the world…

With odd incidences of threes occurring everywhere, the League start researching and discover a link to the “primal creation energies of the universe”. A check on the Cosmic Egg holding captive the rogue Guardian of the Universe Krona proves a dead end, but the Amazon’s brand has changed shape and ‘A Third Symbol Now’ is revealed just as Hawkman and Gangbuster arrive.

Soon the Pinioned Paladin’s millennia of knowledge and Batman’s deductive ability have reasoned out a link to Ancient Egyptian Tarot rites and discovered that an army of the Dark Knight’s old enemies have been hired to steal pertinent items and relics for an unknown client…

And far across the galaxies Morgaine and Enigma appear to Despero and offer him an equal partnership in controlling all that is…

In ‘Away from Creation’ (Busiek, Nicieza, Derenick & Faucher), John Stewart gives new Firestorm Jason Rausch a history lesson on Krona, who brought evil into the universe through his hunger for forbidden knowledge, unaware that the rogue Guardian and the Cosmic Egg that holds him are now in the possession of the triumvirate of universal usurpers…

Back on Earth ‘Have You Tied Him Up, Yet?’ finds Batman fighting off an attempt to brand him with a sigil as a new force of super-foes is formed by the still-unidentified masterminds. Atomic Furnace Sun-Chained-in-Ink, lovelorn super-ape Primat, eerie Trans-Volitional Man and the flamboyant Swashbuckler have their ‘Dreams of Power’ (art by McDaniel & Owens) as do the exultant Morgaine and her two comrades in re-Creation…

Overcoming the Howler pack assaulting him, the Dark Knight notices that he is acting out of character. All of the Trinity are slowly assuming each others attributes and attitudes, but this hasn’t stopped him deducing who is behind the Tarot-related plot in ‘Crumbs in the Forest’ (still Busiek, Bagley & Thibert) but before he can act a global crisis diverts the JLA’s attentions and forces the team to travel to another dimension, leaving Barbara Gordon, AKA digital information-wizard Oracle, to coordinate Batman’s network of Gotham-based champions on Earth by ‘Making the Pieces Fit’ as a series of macabre and surreal robberies mark the second part of the Dark Trinity’s scheme…

Anti-matter alternate metahumans the Crime Syndicate of Amerika have often battled the JLA but after their last clash their planet, – a polar opposite of ours where Evil, not Good, is dominant, was devastated by a super weapon called the Void Hound.

In ‘Rough World’ the villains were revealed to have abducted humans from many other Earths as a slave force intended to rebuild and repopulate the shattered world. However, as the Justice League arrived to rescue the victims, Superman became increasing infuriated and unstable…

On our Earth, the Dark Trinity’s plan continued to unfold as Robin and Nightwing clashed with Primat in ‘Maybe She Doesn’t Like Concrete?’ and Oracle got an inkling of what the bizarre scavenger hunts were actually for…

‘Distinguished Visitor’ saw the battle in the Anti-Universe seesaw dramatically with each side gaining and loosing ground whilst ‘The Next Step’ (Busiek, Nicieza, Derenick & Faucher) found Hawkman and gangbuster seemingly lose a battle but win the war against Primat and her esoteric allies, after which ‘100101010’ added a new wrinkle to the inter-dimension struggle as GL Stewart was revealed to have been possessed by the devastating Void Hound, and back here reformed villain Edward Nigma investigated the Tarot thefts and found himself accused of being the man behind the mask in ‘Riddle Me This’ from Busiek, Nicieza, Norton & Karl Kesel…

‘That Was a Sonic Boom’ revealed the League’s secret weapon in their war against the CSA, whilst ‘Drop the Coffin and Surrender’ (illustrated by Derenick & Faucher) saw a showdown between Hawkman, Gangbuster and the odd squad turn into an all-out clash involving the Outsiders, Justice Society and Teen Titans which went catastrophically awry when the Ink Chaining the Sun was atomically disrupted…

In the Anti-Matter realm the JLA’s victory provoked global anarchy and chaos which their attempts to rectify only exacerbated. However, ‘So What Now?’ also forced the enigmatic Enigma to reveal some of his many secrets, but when the victorious heroes gratefully returned to their own world, Superman had been sigil-branded. Dark Trinity: 2, Heroes 0…

With Sun-Chained-in-Ink literally in meltdown, ‘Let the Burning Begin’ (Derenick & Faucher) almost saw Earth’s last sunrise until Supergirl and Geo-force managed to shift the threat into deep space, whilst half a world away Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman tracked down Morgaine, Despero and Enigma for a climactic confrontation in ‘And I Finally See It’ but, even with almost every hero on Earth beside them, things did not go according to plan in ‘A Bit of Overkill’ (Busiek, Nicieza, McDaniel & Owens) and

‘We’ll Finish Things Here’ saw the conniving plotters win the day…

Scattered to the Winds’ (art by Norton & Ordway) found the helpless Rita come into her terrifying dormant powers just as Morgaine was ultimately victorious, and the heroic Trinity who inadvertently dictated the Shape of Reality vanished in ‘But So No Longer’ by Busiek, Bagley & Thibert…

As the universe altered into a new and unknown configuration, the origins of Konvikt were revealed in ‘Honor and Justice’ from Busiek, Nicieza, McDaniel & Owens, and this first volume ends on the incredible sight of an impossible world where there never was was a Man of Tomorrow, Dark Knight or Amazon Avenger…

This convoluted but compelling collection also includes a vast selection of covers by Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Allen Passalaqua, Andy Kubert, Edgar Delgado, Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair and nine pages of sketches by Bagley and Shane Davis, but, despite being long, frantic and bombastically suspense-filled, it’s just the prologue for the really big story.

To Be Continued…
© 2008, 2009 DC Comics. All Rights Reserved.

All-New X-Men: Here Comes Yesterday

By Brian Michael Bendis, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger & Craig Yeung (Marvel/Panini UK)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-532-1

Radical perpetual change – or the appearance of such – is a driving force in modern comics. There must be a constant changing of the guard, a shifting of scene and milieu and, in latter times, a regular diet of death, resurrection and rebirth – all grounded in relatively contemporary terms and situations.

With a property as valuable as the X-Men such incessant remodelling is a necessarily good thing, even if you sometimes need a scorecard to keep up, and over the decades the franchise has repeatedly reinterpreted, refashioned and updated the formative early epics by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Roy Thomas and Werner Roth and others to give a solid underpinning to all the thoroughly modern Mutant mayhem.

Now following all the bad choices and horrendous paths taken by the mutant mavericks over the last few years, and in the aftermath of the blockbuster Avengers versus X-Men publishing event, latest company-wide reboot MarvelNOW! recasts the entire continuity and allows writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Stuart Immonen (with the assistance of Wade Von Grawbadger & Craig Yeung) to take the franchise in a truly bizarre old new direction.

Collecting All-New X-Men #1-5 from November 2012 – March 2013, this dark yet breezy reboot finds mutant Moses Charles Xavier dead, murdered by his favourite son who has also splintered his chosen people into polarised if not actually warring factions.

Way back in 1963, The X-Men #1 introduced gloomy, serious Scott Summers/Cyclops, ebullient Bobby Drake/Iceman, wealthy golden boy Warren Worthington III/the Angel, standoffish Jean Grey/Marvel Girl and erudite, brutish genius Henry McCoy/the Beast. These very special youngsters were selected to be students by the wheelchair-bound telepath Xavier: a man dedicated to brokering peace and achieving integration between the sprawling masses of humanity and an emergent off-shoot race of mutants with extra abilities, ominously dubbed Homo Superior.

After years of eccentric, quirky adventures, the masked misfits faded away in early 1970. When they eventually made their comeback they weren’t kids any more…

Over the intervening years the struggle to integrate Homo Superior with baseline humanity has produced many tragedies and compromises, resulting in the death of Jean Grey and Cyclops allying with former foes Magneto and Emma Frost in a hard-line alliance devoted to preserving mutant lives at the cost, if necessary, of human ones. His former team-mates and newer X-Men such as Wolverine, Storm and Kitty Pryde have stayed on Xavier’s path, abandoning Scott to protect and train the next X-generation at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning…

The five part ‘What Happens Now?’ opens at the school as Hank McCoy realises he is dying.

The team’s resident super-genius was the first to strike out on his own and paid a high price for it, but now those days have come back to haunt him one last time…

Premiering in Amazing Adventures #11 (March 1972) ‘The Beast!’ told how the brilliant student had left Xavier’s school and taken a research position at the Brand Corporation. Using private sector resources to research the causes of genetic mutation, McCoy became embroiled in industrial skulduggery and to hide his identity used his discoveries to “upgrade” his natural animalistic abilities – temporarily turning himself into a fearsome furry anthropoid creature with startling new abilities. At least it was supposed to be temporary…

Now, after years as a big blue Beast, McCoy is uncontrollably mutating further and realises he will not survive the agonising process. As Cyclops and his new team of freedom fighters begin a very public crusade, rescuing the latest mutants to manifest from their own power and the hostility of humankind, Hank and fellow tutors Pryde, Storm, and oldest friend Iceman discuss how far their friend has fallen.

Drake then muses on the team’s earliest days and remarks that if the Scott Summers from back then could see himself now, he’d slap some sense into himself…

With no time left, staring a prospective mutant civil war in the face and determined to leave a lasting, meaningful legacy, McCoy risks the entire continuum by bringing not only Cyclops but the rest of the original team back to the future in a desperate attempt to heal and restore the noble, dedicated Scott Summers he used to implicitly trust with his life and the future of mutantkind…

Back in our present, Marvel Girl suddenly gains the telepathic powers which originally took her years to develop as the shocked innocent kids become aware of the catalogue of horrors they will endure whilst defending Xavier’s dream. Young, idealistic Scott especially cannot believe… and will not allow his later self to continue betraying his/their life’s purpose…

However as Wolverine and the others become dramatically aware of what McCoy has done, the elder Beast collapses. Realising their moral compass is dying, the 21st century X-Men lock up and isolate the newly-arrive, future-shocked kids to prevent further problems.

They have however completely underestimated the squad who where regularly saving the world years before they could vote or buy beer…

Breaking out and stealing a jet, the juvenile first team take off to confront the terrorist Cyclops and his allies, but discussion quickly devolves into brutal battle and the elders choose escape over further risky conflict…

Shaken but resolved the kids return and, whilst the time-twisted McCoy boys find a way to save the dying Beast, the original X-Men come to a fateful decision. They won’t go home until they have stopped the wayward modern Cyclops. Moreover Jean, having learned of her own dark destiny, is set on ensuring it will never happen…

Engaging, exciting and extremely entertaining; blending spectacular adventure with the signature themes of alienation and personal freedom but finally finding room for much-missed humour, warmth and affection, this utterly beguiling, enticingly  unpredictable yarn promises a genuinely fresh approach to the moribund, dead-ended, water-treading mutant franchise and offers a perfect jumping-on point for new and retired fans alike.

This book also includes a stunning cover-and-variants gallery by Immonen, Joe Quesada, J. Scott Campbell, Salvador Larroca, Pablo Manuel Rivera, Skott Young, Pasqual Ferry, Ed McGuiness, Jim Cheung and Olivier Coipel, and also the now nigh-compulsory 21st century add-on for all those tech-savvy consumers in the form of AR icon sections (Marvel Augmented Reality App) which give access to story bonuses once you download the little dickens – for free – from marvel.com onto your smart-phone or Android-enabled tablet thingy.

™ & © 2013 Marvel & Subs. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. through Panini S.p.A. All rights reserved. A British Edition published by Panini Publishing, a division of Panini UK, Ltd.

Iron Man: Believe

By Kieron Gillen, Greg Land & Jay Leisten (Marvel/Panini UK)
ISBN: 978-1-84653-530-7

The upcoming third Iron Man movie has naturally inspired a few new releases and this one, despite being another upgrade and notional reboot of the Golden Avenger, is also a thrill-packed finale to an earlier, but no less revolutionary tale – specifically Iron Man: Extremis.

Arch-technocrat and supreme survivor Tony Stark has changed his profile many times since his debut in Tales of Suspense #39 (March 1963) when, as a VIP visitor in an East Asian war-zone observing the efficacy of the munitions he had designed, he was critically wounded and captured by sinister, cruel Communists.

Put to work building weapons with the dubious promise of medical assistance on completion, Stark instead created the first Iron Man suit to keep himself alive and deliver him from his oppressors.

Since then the inventor and armaments manufacturer has become a liberal capitalist, eco-warrior, space pioneer, Federal politician, affirmed Futurist, Statesman and even Director of the world’s most scientifically advanced spy agency, the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate, and, of course, one of the world’s most prominent superheroes with the Mighty Avengers…

For a popular character/concept lumbered with a fifty-year pedigree, radical reboots are a painful but vital periodic necessity. To keep contemporary, Stark’s origin and Iron Man’s continuity have been drastically revised every so often with the crucible trigger event perpetually leapfrogging to feature America’s most-recent conflicts. As always, change is everything…

Thus, with the aforementioned movie hurtling like a missile towards us, this tale opens a brand new era by closing out an outmoded and obsolete model: specifically Warren Ellis & Adi Granov’s cyberpunk epic which directly influenced the filmic franchise and led to illustrator Granov working as a designer and producer on the cinema interpretation.

Collecting Iron Man volume 5, issues #1-5 from November 2012 – March 2013, Believe is part of MarvelNOW! (the latest company-wide refit and relaunch) which recasts the entire continuity in the wake of the all-consuming Avengers versus X-Men war: another inspired attempt to lure readers back to the ever-dwindling periodical publishing market.

Stark has been through hell, but has reinvented himself and his company. Even after cutting himself loose from official Governmental affiliations and all military contracts, abandoning guns and bombs to return to the life of a maverick entrepreneur, happily risking profits for the betterment of humanity, his past continues to haunt him.

In ‘Demons and Genies’, as he and trusted partner Pepper Potts build up their new company Stark Resilient, the inveterate playboy gets a frantic message from an old flame: a pre-recorded failsafe message from Maya Hansen which states that she is dead and Extremis is loose…

When she first devised the nano-tube bio-package it was designed to overwrite human biology and cure any disease or injury. Tragically the military were the only institution interested in funding her research as the process also made super-soldiers possible, with injections capable of making a body faster, stronger, tougher and able to grow new organs with unsuspected capabilities.

In the wrong hands, Extremis caused untold death and destruction and almost wiped humanity from the face of the Earth…

A diluted, specifically-tailored dose of her incredible restorative solution even allowed Stark to rewire his own brain and make Iron Man part of his skeletal structure – until it went bad and he had to remove it all at risk of his life, sanity and soul.

Now Stark discovers Maya had been captive of ruthless tech-merchants Advanced Idea Mechanics for more than a year and forced to recreate the deadly process. At least she left him a method of tracking any “Enhancile” altered by the seductive transformative menace…

Now with his Iron Man armours repurposed into an arsenal of specifically designed iterations – like a shiny, walk-in utility belt with the right tool/suit to wear for every occasion – Stark sets out to track down and eradicate each and every Extremis altered human, determined to shove this genie back into the bottle or die trying…

After brutally dealing with the AIM connection, Stark is contacted by the mysterious “Arthur” who has purchased the nano-solution to turn a number of individuals into a futuristic iteration of The Round Table. The honour-obsessed paladin proposes ‘A Gentleman’s Wager’ wherein his Circle of Tech-Knights will joust with the Golden Avenger for possession of both Hansen and Stark technology, but makes one big mistake. Extremis is too dangerous to leave loose and Stark is no gentleman…

The next mission takes Iron Man – in a stealth suit which sacrifices power for speed and concealment – into the citadel of a Colombian drug-lord with the best reason in the world to buy the nano-solution. Although ‘It Makes Us Stronger’ eventually saw the Hansen’s serum used for its original medical purpose, that was only after a cataclysmic clash with old Iron Man enemies Firebrand, Vibro and Living Laser practically decimated the region…

In ‘Fear of the Void’ the trail led to the catacombs beneath Paris where insanely devoted men had used Extremis to transform 13 women into creatures strong enough to host beings from the Great Black Infinite. Far from his normal comfort zones, battling demons to the death, Stark was never happier to be wearing the heavy-duty armour designed to stop the Hulk.

Even so, only a dozen of the demonic damsels died in that savage final confrontation and the thirteenth presaged even greater horror in the months to come…

The first new adventure concluded with ‘Men of the World’ as the Extremis trail led to space and a clash with an old friend.

Stark’s old mentor Eli also had altruistic intentions when he and his disciples took the nano-solution. All they wanted was to be able to thrive beyond Earth’s sustaining air and gravity. And, after the inevitable clash, Iron Man let them… but only on his terms…

Straightforward, smart, and surprisingly engaging, this compelling return to the basics of Fights ‘n’ Tights action offers big fights, big thrills and big ideas pace that will satisfy any reader, new or old, who likes the movie franchise as much as the comicbook canon. This sleek, slim tome also includes a stunning cover-gallery and variants by Land, Carlos Pagulayan, Adi Granov, Skott Young, Joe Quesada, Mike Deodato Jr. and Jim Cheung and also includes a now traditional 21st century perk for all those tech-savvy consumers with added value in mind.

Many pages contained herein are offer an AR icon (Marvel Augmented Reality App) which gives access to all sorts of extras once you download the little dickens – for free – from marvel.com/ARapp onto your iPhone or Android-enabled device.

Gritty, clever and hard-hitting, this is another explosively entertaining yarn to delight established fans with the added distinction of being self-contained and readily accessible to new, returning or casual readers.

™ & © 2013 Marvel & Subs. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. through Panini S.p.A. All rights reserved. A British Edition published by Panini Publishing, a division of Panini UK, Ltd.